Wealth Advisors

Wealth Advisors

What sets us apart​
Our expertise and integrated planning methodology, as well as our exclusive focus on serving the needs and objectives of dentists. Our planning methodology is based on meeting the needs of dentists and because of this specialized focus we believe we understand the financial needs of dentists better than other organizations.
Comprehensive Integrated solutions​
Because you spend so much of your early career in dental school and advanced educational programs your earning cycle is compressed. Therefore, more than most professional groups, dentists need efficient and effective planning strategies to maximize savings and minimize taxes in order to make up for lost earning years. Our goal is to help you attain financial independence sooner and with less risk.
We will build a customized financial plan based specifically on your needs and objectives. The plan is designed after a thorough assessment of your economic lifecycle and short- and long-term goals and then managed over time.
We don’t believe in the “cut back save more approach” to financial planning. Our program is distinctly different. Our method is to identify inefficiencies in your current structure both personal and professional and capitalize by converting these inefficiencies into savings. Often times we find dentists with $50,000 or more of inefficiencies that they don’t even know that they have. These savings compounded year after year and conservatively invested can potentially provide a large income stream at retirement.
Unbiased advice
We know dentists are often plagued by advisors of convenience coming from everywhere; this underscores the need for a holistic planning approach. How do you manage these competing objectives? In an advisors uncoordinated effort to sell a product where does the objectivity lie? We help manage competing objectives by providing unbiased advice.
Our Objective
Our objective is to help dentists accumulate, preserve and enjoy the wealth that an extensive education and years of hard work have earned. Our planning methodology projects the timeline and dollar amount necessary to achieve financial independence, which we define as the date when your savings (and income from savings) afford your lifestyle needs …allowing you to live the rest of your life doing whatever you choose to do. And, by avoiding excess risk, maximizing allowable deductions and protecting health and wealth from unexpected events, we chart what we believe to be the shortest course to financial independence without compromising the lifestyle you have grown accustomed.
Financial Independence
Upon achieving financial independence, and each year thereafter, we continue to help clients best manage the distribution of their accumulated wealth. Not adhering to a well-crafted plan for wealth distribution can cost you peace of mind and years’ worth of savings.
Tax Status Optimization and Pension Plan Design
The appropriate business structure allows you to effectively protect your personal and professional assets, maximize allowable income tax deductions and create effective retirement plans. We have affiliations with highly trained pension service professionals, actuarial resources and legal counsel to create an IRS-approved pension plan that boosts pre-tax deductions to a qualified retirement plan up to $200,000 or more annually. This translates into the ability to contribute tax-deductible dollars to build more than $2 million in pension plan assets.
As a dentist, you risk not being able to achieve financial independence because of improper business structure, poor retirement plan design, improper investment allocation and poorly designed insurance programs. We take a conservative approach and use a well-rounded plan to help protect you from unnecessary risk.
Mitigating the Risk of Unexpected Events
A plan with a sound risk management strategy can provide you with the peace of mind to focus on managing day-to-day operations, revenue targets and competitive differentiators, all the while feeling confident that your future income is secure from adverse events.
Risk management uses insurance as a vital component of an integrated financial plan to mitigate the potential loss of income due to death or disability, and loss of savings to long-term-care costs. Our knowledge and experience will help ensure that the coverage required can be funded with pre-tax dollars (when appropriate), offer the benefit of return of premium (where available) and earn incremental income toward retirement.
Portfolio Design for a Challenging Economic Climate
We build and manage a variety of sophisticated investment portfolios created to meet the unique needs of our clients. We leverage the in-house competencies and capabilities of our affiliate firms to deliver 401(k)s and Profit Sharing Plans, as well as Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit Pension Plans. We work with clients to establish the appropriate portfolio based on risk/return tolerance and overall tax efficiency.
Shielding Personal and Professional Assets
We believe that integrated financial planning is not just about accumulating wealth, it’s also about protecting business assets and personal savings. A client’s primary protection vehicle is an IRS-approved retirement plan, which is automatically shielded by federal ERISA laws. In addition, a solid estate plan can dissuade creditors and prevent losses to unnecessary taxes. Finally, we can help minimize and control potential liabilities through the strategic use of business structure optimization and advanced risk management techniques.
We also work with you to establish the means to shield your practice assets—accounts receivable, the equity in your equipment and the goodwill of your practice. The added benefit of shielding these non-performing assets is generating income for you.
Financial independence
We define financial independence as the date your savings and income from savings, can afford your lifestyle needs throughout your life and that of your spouse. Achieving financial independence affords you choices—the choice to continue your practice full—or part-time, to retire, or to pursue other endeavors. Our goal is to help guide you along the shortest route to financial independence, while mitigating the risk of market volatility, unexpected life events, and other threats to your wealth.
Please contact us at 858-481-4088 or wealthadvisorsinc.com, make sure to list or mention your membership code: P4D, to receive the special reduced pricing discount available through your profit4dentists.com membership.